Dental Care

Bone Loss around Dental Implants: What to Do

Dental Implants

Today’s dental implants are available in full and partial arches and bridges as well as in single form. Modern dentistry has improved upon implant procedures that first came into practice decades ago. Nonetheless, problems still occur for some patients, requiring additional visits to a dental provider for treatment to stop the deterioration of the bone. Despite bone loss due to dental implant, a patient can still enjoy the benefits of successful implantation. Here is a look at this type of bone loss and what you should expect if it develops.

What Is Peri-implantitis?

Peri-implantitis or bone loss due to dental implantation usually occurs without warning. Two distinct types are currently recognized – early implant bone loss and late implant bone loss. Early implant bone loss refers to a reduction in bone that occurs during the initial phases of implantation taking place during the first year. Late loss is recognized as taking place after the process has been completed. Either type of loss can be devastating for the implant since it leads to a lack of structural support for the implant.

What Can You Do about Peri-implantitis?

Unfortunately, it isn’t always possible to save an implant that has developed a loss of bone structure around it. According to the American Dental Association, bone loss due to dental implant can lead to the surrounding teeth becoming loose. As a result, the patient faces the risk of losing more teeth.

If you are suffering from bone loss to dental implants, a visit to your dentist is the first stop that you should make. If infection is discovered, a course of antibiotics will be provided in order to reduce inflammation and pain. In some cases, a specialized antibacterial (tetracycline or iodine) is applied to the failing implant in order to help stop the deterioration. Surgery is usually the follow-up course of action, resulting in bone grafting once the area has been fully cleansed of bacteria. More antibiotics might be required, depending on the individual situation.

Bone can be regenerated around an implant, given the right circumstances. However, if the loss is too severe, your dental provider might recommend removing the implant and starting over with a new one. One incidence of bone loss does not mean that the patient cannot successfully undergo dental implantation. A variety of factors are involved, including the quality of the initial implant the skills of the provider who placed the implant, the patient’s health, and whether or not the patient smoked during the first year of implantation.

Gregory Hayes
I've been working in this Health department for 7 years. I have a lot of knowledge. I want to share it with you and help you to achieve your health dreams easily.

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