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Family Caregiver Dressing Tips

Caregiver Dressing Tips

Seniors suffer from various health conditions that make it challenging to dress independently. Most senior living facilities provide private in-home care for elders, those with clinical issues like Alzheimers or Dementia, and patients who are recuperating from illness, injury, or surgery to ensure they receive Philadelphia dressing assistance when needed. Caregivers are professionals with training and experience in dressing the elderly. The following are some caregiver tips to follow when assisting seniors:

Allocate Extra Time for Dressing.

It would be best to commit to a routine and inform seniors what you are doing before doing it. Seniors conduct slow movements taking it longer for them to get dressed. Other factors like cognitive impairments, lack of mobility, and agility due to clinical concerns slow down the process even more. A caregiver should not rush the dressing process. Rushing may lead to agitation. Therefore, allocating extra time for dressing allows seniors to feel comfortable and calmer throughout the process. Taking your time by moving slowly also eliminates pain and mistakes that can frustrate the senior or make the process more difficult.

Promote independent dressing

Most seniors are delicate and dependent on caregivers for extra assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) including daily tasks like bathing, getting dressed, and toileting. However, some seniors including those with mental afflictions like dementia can dress by themselves or with less help.

A trained caregiver specializing in senior care should encourage independence by expressing patience and using communication to guide a patient toward effective dressing. Cueing seniors by telling them what piece of clothing will be put on next is an excellent guide to ensure effective dressing.

Promoting independent dressing among seniors can improve their well-being and autonomy and help the elderly retain their self-esteem. Caregivers should personalize senior care depending on residents’ needs. For example, recognizing the need for independent dressing in a patient is critical to developing a suitable approach to engaging them in the process.

Dress the person from a seated position.

A seated position is convenient, ensuring seniors remain comfortable throughout the process. Moreover, this position prevents falls and accidents that may jeopardize seniors’ well-being. A seated position may not be appropriate in specific situations; thus, a caregiver may leverage a lying position. To learn more about how to help a patient in sitting, visit this website:

Offer easy clothing choices

It would be best to lay out the clothes before beginning the dressing process. The main reason dressing is challenging for seniors is barriers like complex zippers and tiny button holes. Caregivers should make the process easier by avoiding difficult clothing choices. Selecting large buttons, bras that open and close in the front and elastic waistbands instead of belts will make it easier for seniors to get dressed and undressed independently.

Select matching clothing and duplicates

Some seniors with mental predispositions like dementia find patterns overwhelming. Moreover, it might be challenging to convince a senior with dementia to change their favorite clothes even if they need washing. Having duplicates ensures that they wear different outfits for days allowing for easy change of clothes.

A senior residential home is the best place to take your elderly loved one to ensure they get 24/7 assistance. Contact Blessings4Ever Home Care Agency if your loved one needs dressing assistance to kick start their journey towards independent living.

David Meyer
My name is David Meyer. I'm a health specialist and have created this website to help people learn more about its health.

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