Health and Fitness

The Most Common Eating Disorders Explained

Eating Disorders Explained

Eating disorders are behavioral conditions associated with preoccupations with food, weight, shape, or anxiety about eating certain foods. These conditions can be severe, affecting your physical, mental, and social function. When left untreated, eating disorders can become long-term problems affecting and, in some cases, may cause death. Fortunately, New York Rappore offers effective treatment for eating disorders to help you resume healthy eating habits and learn healthier ways to think about food and your body. Below is more insight into the most common eating disorders.

Anorexia nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is a disorder where an individual self-starves due to fear of gaining weight or becoming fat. As such, the body weight of an adult person with anorexia nervosa is typically under 18.5. Although the dieting behavior in anorexia nervosa is driven by extreme fear of becoming fat, some people with this disorder will say they want and are trying to gain weight. However, their behavior is usually counterintuitive to this intent. For example, they may eat small portions of low-calorie foods and engage in a lot of exercise. Anorexia nervosa may involve losing weight primarily by dieting, fasting, or excessive exercise. A person may also engage in intermittent binge eating and purging behaviors. Over time, one may develop severe problems like abnormal heart rhythm, kidney problems, or seizures.

Bulimia nervosa

A person with bulimia nervosa typically eats only low-calorie foods and binge eats high-calorie foods. Binge eating is when one eats a large amount of food quickly, without control over the type and quantity of food. Many people binge eat in secret, with feelings of shame and embarrassment. The food is usually consumed rapidly, beyond fullness, resulting in discomfort and nausea. Binge eating occurs at least weekly, often followed by purging or compensatory behaviors to prevent weight gain. These behaviors include vomiting, fasting, compulsive exercise, or laxative misuse. As in anorexia, individuals with bulimia nervosa are excessively preoccupied with thoughts of their weight and shape.

Binge eating

Binge eating disorder involves episodes of consuming large quantities of food in a short time. When bingeing, you may feel like you have no control over your eating and may be distressed by the binge behavior. But unlike bulimia nervosa, binge eating does not involve compensatory behaviors like vomiting, exercising, fasting, or laxative misuse to get rid of the food. People that binge eat are more likely to develop serious health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder

Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder is a recently defined eating disorder where an individual extremely limits or doesn’t eat certain foods. As such, one does not meet the minimum daily nutrition needs, leading to problems with growth, development, and everyday functioning. Unlike people with anorexia or bulimia, those with this disorder have no fears about gaining weight. Instead, they may have a low appetite or lack interest in food. It may also be due to sensory characteristics of food, such as appearance, color, texture, and smell. A person with this disorder may also have anxiety about the consequences of eating, like choking, constipation, nausea, or an allergic reaction.

If you have symptoms of any of the above eating disorders, book an appointment with your healthcare provider at Rappore for treatment to develop healthier eating habits.

David Meyer
My name is David Meyer. I'm a health specialist and have created this website to help people learn more about its health.

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