Feeling nauseous is by far the most inconvenient sensation. Nausea is the queasy feeling you get that serves as a precursor to vomiting. That being said, nausea is not a It is not a disease or condition in and of itself, but rather a symptom of an underlying condition or indigestion. Some nauseous symptoms dissipate on their own, while others linger. Most nauseous feelings caused by stomach bugs are not to worry about. But as nausea Spring experts say, there are other causes that are more common and require medical attention to prevent chronic nausea. Here are the 6 causes of nausea you should know about plus a few helpful tips.
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1.Extreme pain
In your list of things that can cause nausea, add intense pain from migraines, physical injuries and existing conditions. Intense pain triggers your body to release hormones; some in inopportune moments. The resulting cellular activity affects receptors in the gut and causes you to feel churning out the contents in your stomach. Painful stomach related diseases such as gallbladder stones and pancreatitis usually cause nausea when the pain intensifies.
Sadly, feeling anxious can make you nauseated. Emotional stress affects your digestive system and can release hormones that cause nausea. Anxiety usually manifests as physical symptoms rather than emotional ones. Meditating or taking a walk in a relaxed environment can help ease the nauseous feeling.
3.Motion-induced sickness
Your body moves in a coordinated function. Your neurons, muscles and brain work hand in hand to guide movement such as during walking or running. Unintentional movement in instances like ding in a rickshaw, plane turbulence or when at sea disrupts the neural pathways functions which results in nausea. The conflicting signals may even cause vomiting.
4.Gastrooesohpageal reflux disease
Simply known as GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease is a condition caused by hyperacidity or weakened sphincter muscles. Irritation in the tummy by GERD causes regurgitation of the stomach’s contents through the esophageal. The burning sensation GERD causes is what causes nausea. Sometimes GERD occurs with gastroparesis which causes abdominal pain and nausea. If you feel like throwing up most of the time after eating, you need to get checked for GERD before proceeding with home remedies for nausea.
Seems like water is the answer to everything. Hence without adequate amounts of it, your body will respond harshly. Dehydration usually causes nausea that is more profound in the morning. Before you sleep, drink at least half a glass of water. During the day, keep rehydrating to prevent nausea, dizziness and keep your body in overall good health.
6.Low glucose levels
Low blood sugar levels are another cause of nausea that is worth checking. Minimal levels of glucose in your blood can cause dizziness, headaches or fainting in extreme cases. Nausea comes into play, usually in the morning because of the lengthy sleeping time where your food stores are depleted. A snack in the morning won’t hurt especially if you are battling nausea.
Stomach problems after eating something bad are common. The symptoms of indigestion or bad food include nausea among others. However, in other cases, nausea may be due to other reasons besides a stomach bug. Since nausea can be chronic, it is important to seek treatment at a dedicated nausea center or at a qualified clinic. Treatment for nurses involves pain relieving medications, and at home remedies like peppermint. If the nausea persists it could be a sign of a digestive problem. To make sure you are treating nausea, always contact a specialist before beginning self-treatment.