Health News

All you Need to Know About Mobility Scooters

Mobility Scooters

The mobility scooter of today is a far cry from earlier versions, with foldable solutions that are both light and strong. Designed around the needs of a person with mobility issues, there are several main types of mobility scooter, which include:

  • Travel Size Handicap Scooter – This fits conveniently into a car and is easily set up and can accommodate a 300lb person. Perfect for day trips and longer holidays, the travel size vehicle can easily be stored in the car boot and a couple of clicks and it is ready to use.
  • Full Size Handicapped Mobility Scooter – A larger and more robust vehicle, the handicapped mobility scooter has ample luggage space for a trip to the local supermarket, and the machine is designed for outdoor use. There are suppliers of new and used mobility scooters that can easily be found with an online search.

Aside from the mobility scooter, there are many add-ons for the home that will make your living space more accessible. If you contact a specialist company regarding making your home more accessible, they can make a few suggestions on ways to help a person with mobility issues, and costs are very reasonable.

Gregory Hayes
I've been working in this Health department for 7 years. I have a lot of knowledge. I want to share it with you and help you to achieve your health dreams easily.

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