Health News

Dealing with Different Dependencies

Drug Dependency

There are few things more essential to the human condition than control. We like to feel as if we’re in control all the time, despite the fact that such ambitions are simply untenable. There are simply some things which occur outside our control, and learning to cope with that fact is as important as it is potentially terrifying. Too often we attempt to compensate for this by creating an illusion of control via substance abuse. Alcoholism, drug dependencies, personality tics—they all stem in part from a need to control ourselves and the world around us, yet not always finding the best ways in which to do so.

For as important as it is to admit that there are certain things outside your control, however, it is possible to find a balance between controlling what we can and being okay with what we cannot. Finding that balance is key to battling various forms of addiction.

Types of Drug Dependency

Alcoholism, substance abuse, and drug dependency are far and away some of the most common cases of dependency out there. Many cases of abuse come from seeking control over one’s body or state of mind through these means rather than other, more constructive ones.

Seeking help for and dealing with different drug dependencies is thus a twofold process. First, you need to gain the self-control to stop using, and then you need to find a new and better way of managing your body or state of mind. For both of these goals, finding the proper support group or therapist can be critical to your long-term success.

Behavioural Issues

For as much press as drug abuse and dependency gets, there are other forms of fixation which can be just as problematic. Gambling, gaming, emotional turbulence—there are many different ways in which that need for control and lack of self-control can manifest.

That said, the behaviour and reaction of others to such issues is just as important in terms of treating them. Too often we dismiss dependencies as somehow the patient’s fault or a sign of their being morally defective. On the contrary, dependency is a disease and has been recognised as such by leading medical establishments around the world, and it should be treated as such when interacting with addicts.

The Importance of Support

There are few more important factors in any battle with dependency than the people who are willing to stand by and help you fight the good fight. Indeed, feelings of isolation and alienation are among those most likely to drive individuals toward dependency-seeking behaviour, and they are likewise feelings which can intensify dependency. When someone feels as if they are not receiving support from those around them, they often look to find it in a bottle or pills. Battling one’s inner demons can be hard enough—no one should have to face that fight alone. Building or being part of a support group for those struggling with dependency and behavioural issues can be a big help.

Help addicts get the medical assistance and psychological support they need to beat dependency and regain control of their lives.

David Meyer
My name is David Meyer. I'm a health specialist and have created this website to help people learn more about its health.

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