Health News

Drug Recovery from Opioids Is Possible Though A Difficult, Lifelong Process


The terrible American national epidemic of opioid addiction proves to be a chronic and serious medial disease. This horrific condition actually alters the human brain to the point that it will become more easily addicted to other drugs. Some have called these gateway drugs because of this phenomenon.

The sad truth is that it requires far more than mere willpower and good intentions to escape from the prescription drug abuse addiction. Many individuals go through a full course of Opioid Addicition Treatment only to find themselves relapsing before long. In fact this is often a longer-term process that has a greater chance of succeeding if a combination of medications are utilized in conjunction with professional counseling.

Physical Dependence on Opioids Requires Detox

Addiction to opioids causes severe transformations within different sections of the brain. This is because continued use of these prescription drugs will change the circuits of the brain functions which handle reward behavior and mood swings. More than this, continuing abuse of prescription drugs will impact nearly every one of your physical systems over enough time.

This is why if you decide to take a bold step and simply discontinue opioids just like that, you will experience some severe and punishing symptoms. These include all or most of the following: craving for the drugs, large pupils, diarrhea, belly aches, yawning, goosebumps, chills, nausea leading to vomiting, body aches, severely bad moods, agitation and nervousness.

Anyone who has been addicted to drugs in general can read through this list and tell you that it does not begin to encompass the sheer, intense misery of suffering from them personally. Their unpleasantness will ensure that you do most anything you can to avoid experiencing them a second time. How long do such symptoms last?

They can be from only hours to a few days or even several long weeks. This all comes down to the quantity of drugs you took and the amount of time you used them. Once the upfront horrible symptoms have become reduced, there will still be mental and physical unpleasantness that remains for even a number of weeks.

Medications for Treatment

The reason that so many users who quit relapse later is because they can not stand the unpleasantness of coming off the high. Fortunately, science has developed effective medications that aid with the withdrawal pain and symptoms, even preventing some of them entirely. Once the early stages of opioid detox have been completed, you remain at high risk of a major relapse.

This is because both social and psychological factors are working against you, according to experts on addiction. Any scenario that takes you back to the pleasure of the last high, or even significant stress on the brain, can trigger a sudden and completely unanticipated relapse. It needs a lifetime of successful therapy to remain free of the opioids. This often comes alongside a longer-term regimen of medicines in concert with talk groups and counselling sessions.

Medications That Help With Withdrawal Symptoms

The most effective medication for treating drug addicts in general is methadone. This long-lasting opioid works on the identical portions of the brain as does the narcotic you are trying to kick. The good news is that methadone does not make you high.

Because of this benign nature, you are able to consume it each day. The only problem is that you must obtain it from a special clinic. Taken properly according to the doctor’s recommendations, methadone will cancel out the horrible withdrawal symptoms, so reducing the brain’s craving for the narcotics.

A less potent version of the methadone is a medication called Buprenorphine. This shorter-lasting medication works on the same brain receptors, only not so powerfully. This medication can be obtained in a variety of effective forms. This includes all of the following: shots, tablets, film placed within your mouth, sub-dermal implant, and skin patches.

Another variant is Naltrexone. This one not only blocks the receptors from experiencing and craving the opiates, but it also prevents or blocks the “high” effect if you take any narcotics. It is usually offered as a segment of a deeper program for recovery. Patients will begin taking it following successfully completing the detox.

Naltrexone may be consumed via a variety of means as well. These include all of the following: injection, by mouth, and as a combination tablet (or in mouth film) with Buprenorphine.

The good news is that you can hope to kick your opioid drug habit. It will take much more than mere willpower though. Through a combination of effective drug symptom reducing medications, a solid detox program, and ongoing talk and counselling sessions, you can hope to become truly drug free for the rest of your life.

David Meyer
My name is David Meyer. I'm a health specialist and have created this website to help people learn more about its health.

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