Dental Care

MT: Dental Coverage In The Health Insurance Marketplace

Dental Coverage

MD: Do you have any questions regarding dental coverage within the health insurance marketplace? We’ve got all the answers for you. This five-minute read offers all you need to know.

If you’re looking to learn about dental insurance and it’s availability as a general form of health insurance, then you’re in the right place. Within the health insurance marketplace, it’s possible for you to get dental coverage as it comes as part of your health plan or just by itself via a different stand-alone dental health plan. This post offers all you need to know about dental insurance.

The healthcare law treats dental insurance differently for children under the age of 18 and adults. Dental health coverage for those below the minimum adult age is a crucial health benefit. This is because it should be available to beneficiaries as part of a free-standing plan or just a health plan. However, this isn’t necessarily the same for adults as insurers aren’t required to offer dental coverage for adults.

Notably, from 2014, everyone is required to have their health coverage or will have to pay a fee. However, this doesn’t apply for dental health coverage. So you don’t need to be part of a dental coverage for you to avoid paying the penalty. There are two forms of dental coverage:

  • Health plans that also offer dental coverage – Within the Marketplace, coverage for dental health is usually included in a section of health plans. By making comparisons, you can be able to see all the plans which include dental coverage. Additionally, you can see the dental benefits that come along. For health plans that include dental coverage, the insured will pay a premium for everything. Note that premiums shown include both dental and health coverage.
  • Standalone plans that come separately – In some instances stand-alone plans that come separately will be offered. To choose this options, you’ll be required to enroll in a health coverage that does not include a dental coverage. Additionally, the option also works for you if you prefer to go for a different dental coverage.

How a dental savings plan reduces your dental costs

Compared to conventional dental insurance, dental savings plans come out as a more affordable option. As a plan member, you get to save between 10 – 60 percent on dental care charges. Additionally, in dental savings, there are no exclusions for pre-existing health conditions, spending caps, or waiting periods (a majority of plans take 72 hours or less to activate) associated with your insurance.

If you’re one of those who struggle to meet different out-of-pocket health costs, then you’ll find it interesting to note that most plans include the provision to save on general health needs such as hearing and vision services, chiropractic, prescriptions, and much more. You can also get service providers with telemedicine plans that include free consultations where doctors can make a diagnosis, conduct treatments and offer prescriptions for common health conditions and ailments.

How to get the most out of Marketplace dental insurance plans

Whether you’re enrolled in your Marketplace coverage by getting dental coverage or purchasing the stand-alone plan, you’ll need to utilize it effectively and to the fullest. Here are some important tips on how to properly utilize this provision.

  • Understand the services covered by your dental plan.

Even though most plans generally cover common dental health benefits such as cleanings, fillings, fixing fractured or decayed teeth and dentures, you can enjoy different services from different plans. There are plans that cover only children dental health, while there are others which cover families. Therefore, it’s advisable that you consult with your dental insurance company and find out what they offer exactly.

  • Get to know the out-of-pocket costs

High coverage levels offer higher premiums. However, the deductibles and copayments are lower. Therefore, your monthly payment will be more, but for dental services, will be much less. On the contrary, you’ll pay a lower monthly amount for the low coverage level, but pay more when you receive the services.

  • Identify the ideal dentist to take care of you

Not all service providers take all coverage types all insurance plans. So you’ll need to contact the office to make sure they can work with your coverage. While making your appointment, you should have with you the insurance card as well as any other essential document to know the kind of services you are expecting.

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David Meyer
My name is David Meyer. I'm a health specialist and have created this website to help people learn more about its health.

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