Dental Care

Top Signs You Should See a Dentist


Everyone knows they should see a dentist at least twice a year, but how can you tell whether you need to see one between your regular appointments? There are a wide variety of dental conditions that may cause instant discomfort, and early detection is key to successful treatment. How do you determine whether or not you need to see the clinic for this problem or if you can wait it out at home? Here are some signs that it is time to schedule an appointment with a South Bay dentist for assistance.

Signs of gum bleeding after flossing or brushing

It’s not typical to see blood on your toothbrush or bathroom sink. The inflammation of the tissues that support your teeth, known as gum disease or periodontal disease, might be the cause. Leaving gum disease untreated may result in receding gums, loose teeth, and even tooth loss. Red, swollen, or sore gums and pus or blood between the teeth and gums are further symptoms.

Chapped lips

Considering that dry mouth may be a side effect of medical conditions or medication, pinpointing its source might be difficult. It may not seem like a big deal if it only happens sometimes. Persistent dry mouth, though, may cause significant distress. Gum disease is brought on by the proliferation of bad bacteria in the mouth facilitated by a dry mouth. Your dentist might prescribe specific mouthwashes and other oral care items to alleviate dry mouth.

Burning sores in the mouth

Ulcers and other superficial mouth sores heal independently; however, certain lesions may be caused by a fungal or viral infection and need medical attention. Leukoplakia is a condition that raises the risk of cancer. The white lesions may identify it

Extremely sensitive teeth

Only pain-sensitive nerves may be found in teeth. Discomfort or increased sensitivity to heat, cold, or sweetness might signal impending trouble. Sensitivity is typically the result of plaque buildup, and a good cleaning may be all that is required to eliminate it.

Using a sensitive-teeth toothpaste like Sensodyne may help, but if your teeth’s sensitivity develops suddenly, you may be covering up a more serious issue.

Swelling and pain

If you have been experiencing persistent discomfort or swelling in your teeth or gums, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist to rule out infection or gum disease. Persistent discomfort is not typical, and it is not something you have to put up with. Pain relief may not always indicate the resolution of the underlying issue.

Loose, chipped, or cracked teeth

Apart from the obvious benefits of maintaining healthy teeth and gums, getting dental treatment for a loose tooth or one injured is an emergency. Loose teeth might be an indication of severe gum disease. If a tooth is chipped or broken, bacteria may easily enter the space and cause pain and even tooth loss. Dentists are prepared to handle such situations and can provide immediate care.

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is essential to good health. You would not ignore a chronic issue anywhere else in your body; start treating your mouth with the care and concern it deserves, and see your dentist whenever necessary.

David Meyer
My name is David Meyer. I'm a health specialist and have created this website to help people learn more about its health.

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