Health and Fitness

The Practice of Fat Grafting and Its Procedure

Fat Grafting

Surgical fat grafting, also known as fat transfer Scarsdale or fat injections, is the process of transferring fat from one place of the body to another. The procedure aims to improve or increase the area where fat is injected. To address a problem location, liposuction is performed to remove adipose fat from the body, and then the fat is processed and reinjected.

Who is capable of performing fat grafting, and where is it done?

Plastic surgeons are the medical professionals who carry out fat grafting the most frequently because liposuction is an essential part of the surgery. Residents in plastic surgery receive extensive training on the standards of care for liposuction treatment and are proficient in the management of any complications that may arise during the procedure.

The procedure of grafting fat

There are three stages involved in the process of fat grafting:

Liposuction to remove fat from the donor area, then decanting, centrifugation, and processing of the fat, then reinjecting the fat that is purified into the part that needs enhancement.

  1. Using techniques like liposuction, fat is taken out of a region known as the donor location in the initial stage of the surgery. The most efficient way to accomplish this is through manual methods using tiny, fine-holed liposuction cannulas. Because laser and ultrasonic liposuction have the potential to damage fat cells, it is not advised to use them for the extraction.
  2. Next, The fat is subjected to a procedure that consists of centrifugation and decanting to separate the viable adipose fat cells from the excess fluid, debris, and dead cells. Washing the fat in a sterile salt solution is an additional approach that can be utilized. The fat cells that are discharged are the fat cells, and it is highly likely that they will not survive in the graft. In fact, they may even cause issues for the healthy cells.
  3. In the end stage of the procedure, the fatty tissue is reinjected into the tissue layer called the subcutaneous tissue of the location on the recipient in the form of very small droplets. This is done to ensure that every droplet of fat receives an adequate blood supply so that the fat transplant can continue.

The volume of processed fat injected into a patient is expressed in cubic centimeters (cc) and, in the end, varies according to the particulars of the patient’s situation and the part of the body into which the fat processed is being administered by injection.

David Meyer
My name is David Meyer. I'm a health specialist and have created this website to help people learn more about its health.

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