Health News

What to Expect in the ER


ER is a department in medical center or hospital where you don’t need an appointment to go to. But this also means that there may be number of people to get treatment right away. All of the ERs follow a triage system. This means that the first person you come across upon your arrival in the ER shall be a triage nurse. This person happens to be with the most experience among ER nurses and their primary role is to get a brief history so that a quick physical assessment could be determined.

Triaging is a process that enables the ER to determine which patients should be first as priority and which can wait sometime to be seen and this is vital due to the nature of ERs as many patients could come at the same time with different physical concerns having varying severity.


If your condition requires you to rest and lie down, then you shall be escorted from the triage area to a treatment room. Usually only one visitor is allowed at a time and if the patient happens to be child, the presence of parents is allowed. If a treatment room is not available right away, you shall be asked to wait some time so that one could be prepared for you. Avoid drinking and eating while waiting as it may interfere with the tests doctors shall need to evaluate.


You shall be placed in a bed when you are brought back to an exam room. You shall be given a hospital gown to change into so that you can be examined. Sometimes a monitoring device is attached to you so that your vital signs can be monitored. A doctor shall see you as soon as possible. But it is essential to keep in mind that if other patients arrive who need immediate assistance, your treatment could be delayed.


Your visit shall require some tests to be taken. If necessary there shall be few X-rays, blood tests or you might need to visit the other department. During the process if you are unable to understand anything, you are free to ask your nurse or doctor. You shall have to wait some time while your test results are being processed and once you have gotten them, the doctor shall explain them to you and inform if additional test is required.


Your treatment could be simple or complex and relies on your type of emergency. Similarly, your severity of emergency or injury shall determine how long it shall take to get treatment. It could take from few minutes to many hours. After that your doctor shall decide whether you need to get admitted in the hospital or discharge. There is a chance that he will speak to your family doctor or another specialist.

While on a visit to ER keep this in mind that there might be delays but decision of your treatment depends on your emergency. Your care is the most important thing but your patience and co-operation is required as well.

In any case of emergency, call Frontline ER for 24-hours quality medical emergency service.

Gregory Hayes
I've been working in this Health department for 7 years. I have a lot of knowledge. I want to share it with you and help you to achieve your health dreams easily.

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