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Is this your first time trying Shakeology? Have you placed an order yet or have you bought a taste sampler? This article will solve all queries in both the cases. The following recipe on Shakeology will help you and it works for all kinds of flavors it has.

  • 1 full scoop or 1 packet Shakeology – 1 serving
  • Use 1 cup skimmed milk or almond milk
  • Use 1 or ½ cup water
  • Use ½ a banana
  • Some ice

Using a blender is always the best option as it mixes the ingredients properly. Since everyone has different tastes and choices, they should keep experimenting with stuff to find out what flavor and combination is their favorite. Using the above recipe as a starting point is recommended as it develops the flavor gradually. If you order Shakeology from Teambeachbody.com then you will also receive a calendar with several recipes to try from.

From the many users that we have asked, some of them use a mini blender for Shakeology everyday and the clean up afterwards just takes a few minutes. Using a regular blender also works fine but the clean up later is a dreary task plus the blender has to be on the counter all the time and some people find that annoying.

You can also use Shakeology with some additional water and that can be done by mixing all the ingredients we have listed above with as much as water possible for the blender to hold to avoid overflowing and messing up the counter. Later, transfer the ingredients in a 24 oz. cup and add more water till the consistency you desire is achieved.

A note about Vanilla: Some people really love it but for some it is their least favorite drink. Some have said that there is too much Stevia taste in it. To cut down on that aftertaste adding around ¼ teaspoon Himalayan salt works wonders. This is if the taste of Stevia bothers you otherwise it is all good.

A Few Pointers

If you have never had Shakeology before, one full serving might be just too much for the digestive system to handle. It’s very strong and it works like little scrubbing bubbles for the intestines therefore it is very tough to digest. It has to be gradually introduced to the body and for people who have intestinal issues and sensitive stomachs, experiencing some minor issues with the digestion is pretty normal.

Due to this, starting with just ½ serving Shakeology with less liquid is just ideal. Gradually, you can start increasing the serving size and the body will automatically adjust to it. To avoid adding more calories to your shake, add more water instead of milk if you want to make your shake a little runny. This adjustment of the body may take up to 3 months and that only means that the body is adjusting to this kind of food by eliminating all the junk settled in the body. And such things like junk food cannot be flushed out of the system overnight and take time.

Gregory Hayes
I've been working in this Health department for 7 years. I have a lot of knowledge. I want to share it with you and help you to achieve your health dreams easily.

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